Monday, February 28, 2022

Evolution of Black History Month events at UW-Stout

Since the beginning of February, the halls of Stout have been decorated with posters advertising events for Black History Month, hosted by the Black Student Union. With everything from educational classes about hair care to “Twerkout” dance classes, they’ve put on a plethora of interesting and informative events, and this isn’t something new. The UW-Stout BSU has been hosting events during Black History Month for as long as the club has been around, and the events started at Stout even before February was officially designated Black History Month.

The earliest mention I could find in the Archives is from February 1974, where a “Black Awareness” dinner was held, headed by Dean Richard Anderson.

However, according to our collections, the first year where we see a big boom of activity from the Black Student Union regarding Black History Month was 1994. They held six events over the course of the month (one every Wednesday, and one every other Saturday), including a praise choir concert and a fashion show. They printed and passed out calendars of events. Being able to look back and see all the various things they did really put into perspective how far diversity initiatives have come in the last thirty years or so, especially in universities!

This continued into the future and is still occurring today. Every event is a celebration of Black culture, and seeing how that has evolved over the course of Stout’s history allows us to have an even greater appreciation for diversity on campus.

For more information on the collections mentioned in this blog contact or you can look through our Stout Series Finding Aids online!

Written and Researched by Meghan Dincler (she/her/hers), UW-Stout Archives Student Worker

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Celebrating Valentine's Day with 1940s student scrapbooks

Phyllis Anne Johnson attended UW-Sout from 1944-1947. She was involved in many of Stout's student organizations. She was a member of the Stout Symphonics, Stoutonia, the Intersociety Council, the YWCA, and was president of the Pallas Athene. Her involvement in the school led her to be included in the Stoutonia newspaper several times. You can search through the past issues of Stoutonia here!

Phyllis documented her time at Stout with scrapbooks. She kept keepsakes, invitations, little notes, napkins, and corsages. She even kept a bit of straw from her first barn dance she attended! Her scrapbooks give an in-depth view of what life was like as a Stout student in the 1940s. Going through them is like stepping back through time.

Phyllis saved these lovely Valentine's Day cards and napkins in one of her scrapbooks. They take us back all the way to February 14, 1944, over 75 years ago! 

Phyllis, who often went by nicknames like Phyl, Phil, Johnny, and Jiny, graduated in 1947 with a Bachellor of Science degree. She married Norman E. Watson, and the two of them moved to Iowa and had three children together. 

Phyllis and Norman Watson donated her scrapbooks to the UW-Stout Archives where they are available to view and research. To learn more about the Phyllis and Norman Watson Personal Papers or to set up an appointment to view the scrapbooks, contact

Written and Researched by Jo Michelle Henderson, UW-Stout Archives Student Worker